Blog LIAISON As every Wednesday, in the CONSOLE project we want to present another sister project. On this occasion we present the Deliverable D2.1 Catalogue of descriptive factsheets of all European case studies On the blog of the CONSOLE project we want to present the Deliverable D2.1 “Catalogue of descriptive factsheets of all World Environment Day On June 5th, World Environment Day is celebrated, with the aim of sensitizing the world population to environmental issues, also iCASP What is iCASP? ICASP's (Yorkshire Integrated Catchment Solutions Programme) partners make it an ambitious and exciting program to generate benefits Guidelines for description of contract solutions Dear friends. Among the main objectives of the CONSOLE project we have set out to publicize our goals and how Farm-to-table strategy: for a fair, healthy and ecological food system The coronavirus crisis has underscored the need for a robust and resilient food system that works in all circumstances and SURE Farm SURE - Farm (Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems) is a H2020 project. It is really interesting to present Communication and dissemination plan of the CONSOLE project Currently, one of the most important elements when carrying out a project is the communication and dissemination process. In the Forum for the Future of Agriculture Every spring (since 2007) the annual conference of the Forum for the Future of Agriculture is held in Brussels. The SMARTCHAIN SMARTCHAIN is another of CONSOLE's sister projects that we would like to publicize on our blog. The SMARTCHAIN main objective « Previous 1 … 19 20 21 22 23 … 25 Next »