On the blog of the CONSOLE project we want to present the Deliverable D2.1 “Catalogue of descriptive factsheets of all European case studies” within WP2 “Diagnostic of existing experiences on Agri-Environmental-Climate Public Goods (AECPGs)” of the EU Horizon 2020 project CONSOLE.
The main objective of this document is to provide a catalogue of implemented contract solutions for the improved delivery of Agri-Environmental-Climate Public Goods (AECPGs).
The document describes the objectives and process of data collection and provides a catalogue of 62 factsheets.
The factsheets illustrate 60 European (EU) case study examples of contract solutions for the improved provision of AECPGs. Also, the catalogue contains 2 examples beyond Europe, of which 1 comes from the USA and 1 from Guadaloupe (FR).

Catalog of descriptive sheets of all European case studies.
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