Category Archives: Related_projects

LIAISON is an EU-funded ‘research and innovation’ project


As every Wednesday, in the CONSOLE project we want to present another sister project.

On this occasion we present the LIAISON project. This is an EU-funded “research and innovation” project that aims to help unlock the potential of “partnering for innovation” in agriculture, forestry and rural business.

The project is being developed by a multidisciplinary team of academics and professionals from 17 entities in 15 countries.

LIAISON consortium partners

This LIAISON website offers a window on their joint work between May 2018 and August 2021.

It is about optimizing the mixed groups of farmers, foresters and other stakeholders that aim to develop joint innovative solutions because they aim to address the economic, environmental, social and cultural challenges facing your farms and us as a society.

LIAISON has a highly interactive work program that is based on the participation of the consortium’s diversity of partners and your network of associated stakeholders, such as Rural Innovation Ambassadors, macro-regional stakeholders and our Project Advisory Group.

Together with relevant stakeholders, they develop a shared, but versatile, conceptual framework for analyzing and evaluating innovation and change processes in agriculture, forestry, rural business, and initiatives.

Sister project: SURE Farm


SURE – Farm (Towards SUstainable and REsilient EU FARMing systems) is a H2020 project.

It is really interesting to present this magnificent project whose main objectives of SURE – Farm are to analyze, assess and improve the resilience and sustainability of farms and farming systems in the EU.

And to achieve this purpose, SURE-Farm creates scenarios and an innovative and comprehensive framework that enables resilience, develops a set of advanced risk assessment and management tools, as well as an improved demographic assessment model and a resilience assessment tool. For policy, and in conjunction with stakeholders, creates and applies an integrated resilience assessment model and designs roadmaps for implementation.

 And this will be achieved thanks to the magnificent work of the 16 partners, led by Wageningen University & Research, in which are studying eleven representative Study Cases along the European Union.

If you want further information about this sister project, feel free to click following button.

H2020 project
Main view of the SURE-Farm page.

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SMARTCHAIN is another of CONSOLE’s sister projects that we would like to publicize on our blog.

The SMARTCHAIN main objective ​​will be to stimulate demand-driven innovation in short, food supply chains to improve competitiveness and foster rural development using a multi-stakeholder approach.

The project is using an interactive innovation model in which all the actors involved in the project are working together to make the most of scientific and practical knowledge for the joint creation and dissemination of innovative solutions ready to solve practical problems.

(A supply chain involving a limited number of economic operators, committed to cooperation, local economic development, and close geographic and social relationships between food producers, processors, and consumers)

SMARTCHAIN’s 43 partners will evaluate 18 case studies of generalized short food supply chains with notable social, economic and ecological impacts on rural, peri-urban and urban communities in terms of innovation potential, consumer perspectives towards food supply chains short and general sustainability (environmental, economic and social).


EUREKA project


Today’s publication related to CONSOLE‘s sister project is aimed at raising awareness of the EUREKA project.

The main objective of the EUREKA project ( is to strengthen the EU agricultural knowledge base by co-creating the ‘network to connect all multi-stakeholder H2020 projects’, to explore the feasibility of creating a modular database of useful results.

EUREKA project partners

EUREKA project partners

This project started in January 2020, and is made up of 21 partners from 15 states in Europe who will develop an open source electronic platform called FarmBook.

FarmBook focuses on the specific needs of stakeholders and seeks to improve the exchange between different user groups (project partners and farmers, consultants, scientists, decision makers). Best practices for joint creation and knowledge transfer of current research projects will be used to improve future ones.


H2020 EUREKA Project Presentation
Sister projects: LIFT



One of our objectives in the CONSOLE Project is promoting the exchange of information among the denominated “sister projects”. For this task, we will create a special section dedicated to these projects related to the CONSOLE objectives in our blog. Today, we will talk about the LIFT Project (Low-Input Farming and Territories).

What is the LIFT project?

LIFT is a research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research program (H2020-EU. coordinated by INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment).

Sister projects: LIFT

Sister projects: LIFT webpage


The main objective of LIFT Project is to identify and understand how socio-economic and policy drivers impact on the development of ecological approaches to farming and assess the performance and sustainability of such approaches, taking into account different farming systems at farm, farm-group and territories scales.

The project is developed by 17 partners from 12 EU countries: INRAE (France), VetAgro Sup (France), SRUC (United Kingdom), Teagasc (Ireland), KU Leuven (Belgium), SLU (Sweden), UNIBO (Italy), BOKU (Austria), UBO (Germany), JRC (Belgium), IAE-AR (Romania), MTA KRTK (Hungary), IRWiR PAN (Poland), DEMETER (Greece), UNIKENT (United Kingdom), INRAE Transfert S.A. (France), ECOZEPT Deutschland (Germany)

If you want more about the project you can visit the website on the following link.

PROVIDE – Project


Program: Horizon 2020, SC2
Call: H2020-ISIB-2014-2, Topic: ISIB-01-2014
Budget: 2,9 Million Euro – Duration: 3 years
Starting date: 01/09/2015


The objective of the PROVIDE project is to develop a conceptual basis, evidence, tools and improved incentive and policy options to support the “smart” provision of public goods by the EU agriculture and forestry ecosystems. PROVIDE will consider a wide range of public goods and legislation and will address the issue in a multi-scale framework, working both at the EU level and at case study level in thirteen Countries of the EU.

Funded by

European Commission