
increase biodiversity in forests
Learn from 3 European CONSOLE contract solutions!  LV4-Forest Management - Education areasLV4_CONSOLE.pdfFI6-Nature value bargaining (Luonnonarvokauppa)FI6_CONSOLE.pdfDE6-Forest conversion from coniferous to deciduous
Summary Under the ALMO brand, a meat processing company, a foundation for animal welfare, and 400 farmers, organised in an
MIND STEP is a European research project aiming to support public decision making in agricultural, rural, environmental and climate policies,
Learn about 6 European contract solution examples where the value chain steps in to promote the provision of AECPGs from
The 27 reach an agreement on the future CAP and ask to allocate 20% of direct payments to ecoschemes
The Ministers of Agriculture of the European Union have reached this Wednesday, October 21th, an agreement on the rules of
Implementation of RBPS in the CAP 21-27
Next Thursday, PhD. Lena Luis Schaller (@lenaschaller2) from BOKU will show an overview of the results from the CONSOLE case
European Alsace Hamster
Learn from 6 contract solutions that foster the collective and cooperative implementation of management changes in order to enhance the
UNISECO related project
From the CONSOLE project we want to share another related project, UNISECO UNISECO is a European H2020 research project aiming
Workshop: Insights and lessons learned from CONSOLE case studies
Lessons learned from over 60 case studies 19th of October 2020 10:00-12:00 ONLINE We investigated 60 promising examples of contract
4th project meeting
Today begins the fourth meeting on the CONSOLE project. But again, the meeting is being held as a conference call