
Looking at the outcome
Looking at the outcome: How result-based and result-oriented contract solutions can foster a targeted provision of agri-environmental-climate public goods, you
postponement of the entry into force of the new European organic
The European Commission has announced the postponement of the entry into force of the new European organic regulation for one
Reducing food waste, improving food safety
Every year, about 4 billion metric tonnes of food are produced, but poor practice in harvesting, storage and transport, as
How about grazing
Learn from 5 CONSOLE case study examples how innovative contract solutions can maintain and reestablish grazing areas in Europe for
The European Commission has proposed a series of missions that are an integral part of the Horizon Europe framework program
Natural Flood Management
Learn from 5 CONSOLE case studies about the sustainable management and restoration of rivers, floodplains and river catchment areas! UK2-Using
79% of Spaniards are not properly informed about sustainable processes in agriculture
Corteva Agriscience, a company in the agricultural sector in seed technology, crop protection and digital agriculture, prepared a report, “Sustainability
ECO-METHANE – Rewarding dairy farmers for low GHG emissions in France
Learn from 3 CONSOLE case studies which demonstrate the potential of innovative carbon market approaches in forests, on arable land
Unfortunately, there are food scammers who try to deceive consumers. For example, the sale of products treated with pesticides as
The environmental perspective in agriculture is one of the issues of paramount importance for the European Union