Category Archives: Users

Lessons learned from a 13-country experiment on agri-environment public goods- CONSOLE

Lessons learned from a 13-country experiment on agri-environment public goods- CONSOLE

On May 11, 2022, from the University of Leeds and iCASP organized the roadshow as part of the CONSOLE project.

The event took place at Hebden Bridge in the Upper Calder Valley in West Yorkshire, England. The Roadshow aimed to inform participants about the CONSOLE project and to present the results of surveys conducted among landowners, stakeholders in the 13 countries.

Figure1: Dr Emmanouil Tyllianakis presenting the13-country result
Figure1: Dr Emmanouil Tyllianakis presenting the13-country result

The meeting discussed the increased adoption of results-based agri-environmental schemes and advocated for farmers to enroll in short-term contracts with adequate (higher) payments than other agri-environmental contracts, with simple contract requirements and with the support of independent consultants and organizations as a means to achieve this goal.

Figure 2: Dr Emmanouil Tyllianakis facilitating discussion regarding contract solutions examined in CONSOLE
Figure 2: Dr Emmanouil Tyllianakis facilitating discussion regarding contract solutions examined in CONSOLE


The Roadshow aimed to inform participants about the CONSOLE project and to present the results of surveys conducted among landowners, stakeholders in the 13 countries. Case studies were presented, such as: the humus-Program of the Ökoregion Kaindorf, Austria and the delivering multiple environmental benefits in the south Pennines, United Kingdom. In addition, views were shared on how value chain and collective implementation contracts seem more feasible for this group (participants were members of the CONSOLE UK1 case study from WP2). 

Figure3: Prof. Guy Ziv facilitating discussion regarding opportunities and barriers to implementation of suggested agri-environment contracts
Figure3: Prof. Guy Ziv facilitating discussion regarding opportunities and barriers to implementation of suggested agri-environment contracts

Participants also stated that the short duration of contracts and the opportunity to receive advice and support during the application and implementation phases are critical to the success of a contract and would influence the choice of contract. In addition, participants expressed a strong interest in attracting private/commercial funding, but it seems to be difficult to obtain or find partners interested in investing in such initiatives.

Anforderungen an die Landwirtschaft im Bereich der Biodiversität - Welchen Beitrag können private Mittel leisten?

Anforderungen an die Landwirtschaft im Bereich der Biodiversität – Welchen Beitrag können private Mittel leisten?

Anforderungen an die Landwirtschaft im Bereich der Biodiversität – Welchen Beitrag können private Mittel leisten?

Date 🗓️

29/06/22 – 10:00 – 16:30 pm

Location 📍

Salzburg, Hotel Heffterhof

Organizer 🙎‍♀️

Netzwerk Zukunftsraum Land; LKÖ

Participating CONSOLE Partner(s) 💡


Link to the original web page of the event 📎

Workshop on legal aspects of value chain contracts aiming to foster the provision of environmental benefits by farmers

Workshop on legal aspects of value chain contracts aiming to foster the provision of environmental benefits by farmers

Workshop on legal aspects of value chain contracts aiming to foster the provision of environmental benefits by farmers

Date 🗓️

30/05/2022 – 09:30 am- 11:30 pm 

Location 📍


Organizer 🙎‍♀️


Participating CONSOLE Partner(s) 💡

Link to the original web page of the event 📎

Contract Solutions for Agri-Environmental Climate Policies

Contract Solutions for Agri-Environmental Climate Policies

Contract Solutions for Agri-Environmental Climate Policies 

Date 🗓️

20/06/2022 – 10:00 am- 3:00 pm 

Location 📍

Rožmalas, Nameju str. 2, Ceraukste, Bauska county, Latvia, LV-3908

Organizer 🙎‍♀️

Union Farmer’s Parliament (ZSA)

Participating CONSOLE Partner(s) 💡

Union Farmer’s Parliament (ZSA)

Link to the original web page of the event 📎

Presenting CONSOLE results in an instance discussing new contractual solutions

Presenting CONSOLE results in an instance discussing new contractual solutions

Presenting CONSOLE results in an instance discussing new contractual solutions 

Date 🗓️

03/06/2022 – 12:00 pm 

Location 📍


Organizer 🙎‍♀️


Participating CONSOLE Partner(s) 💡

Institut national de recherche pour l’agriculture, l’alimentation et l’environnement (INRAE)

Link to the original web page of the event 📎

Not yet available

Presentation in Agricultural and Food Science Day

Presentation in Agricultural and Food Science Day

Presentation in Agricultural and Food Science Day

Date 🗓️

14/06/2022 – 12:00 pm 

15/06/2022 – 11:00 pm 

Location 📍


Organizer 🙎‍♀️

Agricultural and Food Science Day

Participating CONSOLE Partner(s) 💡

Jussi Leppänen, Emmi Haltia, Luonnonvarakeskus

Link to the original web page of the event 📎