Category Archives: Related_projects

MIND STEP: Modelling Individual Decisions to Support the European Policies related to Agriculture (H2020)

MIND STEP is a European research project aiming to support public decision making in agricultural, rural, environmental and climate policies, taking into account the behaviour of individual decision-making units in agriculture and the rural society.

Policies like the EU CAP are widening the scope to contribute to the Paris climate agreement and the Sustainability Development Goals, hence there is a move of the CAP to farm specific measures and an improved link to environment, climate change and ecosystem services to build a a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly food system. Member States and regions develop their own CAP strategic plan with more attention to the regional implementation of the CAP. This wider scope and measures with a focus on individual farmers ask for a new generation of impact assessment tools. Current state-of-the-art agricultural models are not able to deliver individual farm and local effects as they are specified at higher levels of aggregation.

Making use of improved possibilities opened up by progress in the ICT area MIND STEP will improve exploitation of available agricultural and biophysical data and will include the individual decision making (IDM) unit in policy models. Based on a common data framework MIND will develop IDM models, including agent-based models, focussing on different topics in an integrated manner in different regional case studies. The IDM models will be estimated and calibrated using agricultural statistics and big datasets, drawing on established econometric and evolving machine learning techniques and using both traditional models of optimising behaviour and theories from behavioural economics.

MIND STEP closely cooperates with a range of stakeholders to co-create and apply the MIND STEP model toolbox to selected regional, national and EU wide policy cases.

MIND STEP is a partner to the AGRIMODELS cluster ( bringing together research projects which operate in countries across Europe to increase the modelling capabilities in the agriculture sector.

Coordinated by Stichting Wageningen Research (The Netherlands) the MIND STEP consortium includes 11 partners from 8 countries.

Additional information

For more information please visit the MIND STEP project website and sign up for their 6 monthly newsletter.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement Nr. 817566.

UNISECO related project


From the CONSOLE project we want to share another related project, UNISECO

UNISECO is a European H2020 research project aiming to develop innovative approaches to enhance the understanding of socio-economic and policy drivers and barriers for further development and implementation of agro-ecological practices in EU farming systems.

There is an increased awareness that agro-ecological farming systems (AEFS) are fundamental for sustainable food production in the future. The key dilemma is how to produce public goods whilst having viable production of private goods, securing economic and social sustainability at a farm level, which is not overly dependent on public funds.

The ambition of UNISECO is to address this key dilemma through co-constructing improved, practice-validated strategies and incentives for the promotion of AEFS in participatory case studies in 15 European Countries.

Led by the Thünen Institute (Gerald Schwarz) UNISECO is committed to a genuine transdisciplinary process, reflected in consortium composition of stakeholder and scientific partners, and the emphasis on multiactor engagement.

Additional information

For more information please visit the UNISECO website and sign up for 6 monthly newsletter


Organic food is a real mine. Not surprisingly, the characteristics of its production, in which neither pesticides nor synthetic fertilizers can be used, make the product more expensive. 

This may be the case of the sale of products treated with pesticides, but which are sold as organic; or the sale of horse meat such as beef.

30% of consumers of organic products are under 25 years old

In the case of Olive Oil, the fruity and spicy flavours and the smell of cut grass, tomato and artichoke are some of the sensations that characterize premium quality extra virgin olive oil. Even a tingling in the back of your throat is a sign that it’s packed with health-enhancing antioxidants.

Europe produces 70% of the world’s olive oil so maintaining a reputation for quality and avoiding any deception is essential. And the same for the rest of agricultural and livestock products from Europe.


The concern of the European Union

The European administration is concerned with this matter, and for this, it is supporting and subsidizing a European project that tries to use smartphones to analyse the quality and safety of food on the spot.

In 2018, the European Commission, together with Europol, decided to launch a specific action on the control of organic production within the framework of Operation OPSON VIII. The aim of this operation was to protect the reputation of the EU eco-label and guarantee the confidence that European consumers have in it.

And this is because the key objectives of the Farm-to-Fork strategy to transform EU agriculture is the goal of promoting 25% organic food and farming by 2030.

Organic farming in the EU has a share of 8 to 9% of the total agricultural area

The FoodSmartphone initiative

It’s about the project FoodSmarthphone which proposes the development of smartphone-based analytical, diagnostic and detection tools for rapid, simplified on-site pre-screening of food quality and safety parameters and wireless data transfer to relevant stakeholders’ servers.

With this technology, both governments and industry will be able to react faster to an emergency problem and know more precisely which parts of the food chain to close.

The consortium

The consortium that composes FoodSmartphone, led by Wageningen University, comprises 7 training sites (3 universities, 3 research centres, 1 innovation SME), plus 5 partner organizations (1 global food industry, 1 diagnostic SME and 3 universities awarding PhD degrees)

The CONSOLE project wants to support this initiative that, without a doubt, will mark a before and after in the quality of European agricultural products that are moving towards a sustainable system.






Today, in the CONSOLE project we want to present another of the sister projects.

The LIVERUR project pays special attention to Living Labs as they foster more sustainable resource mobilization, better cooperation between operators throughout the value chain, and lead to new services.

Therefore, Living Lab uses the concept of open innovation in a broader sense, with a success / failure rate determined by empirically based key research factors.

With empirically proven studies still lacking, LIVERUR’s short-term goal is to improve knowledge of business models growing in rural areas, including understanding their potential. In the long term, the project will increase the potential for rural economic diversification.

LIVERUR project is presented at the ‘III Meeting of Rural Professional Women’

LIVERUR project is presented at the ‘III Meeting of Rural Professional Women’


The project is developed by 24 entities from different countries of the European Union and led by the Catholic University of Murcia.


Additional information

And of course, you can get more information about LIVERUR by clicking on the button.

Excalibur project


Don’t be scared. We are sure that when you have seen the word “Excalibur” in our Brother Projects section, you will have thought that in the CONSOLE project we have gone crazy.

Well, none of that. Excalibur, in addition to being that legendary sword that King Arthur managed to remove from a rock, is also a European project on the dynamics of soil biodiversity and its synergistic effects with prebiotic and probiotic approaches in horticulture.

But … exactly what it is about

In the Excalibur project logo the sword appears rooted in the ground, rather than nailed to a solid rock. And we believe it symbolizes the strength of biodiversity (the sword) in and on the ground.

Its promoters argue that Excalibur will develop a comprehensive soil management strategy to increase the effectiveness of biocontrol and biofertilization practices in agriculture; increasing the force between that sword and that ground, right?

Excalibur goals

To achieve their purposes, they have developed a series of objectives:

  1. Focus on multi-scale interactions between plants and underground organisms to exploit the potential of bioefectors and multifunctional bioinoculants.
  2. Optimize the formulation and application methods of these products according to the dynamics of the native biodiversity of the soil.
  3. Develop a strategy to improve the exploitation of interactions of soil biodiversity with bioefectors and bioinoculants by evaluating their impacts on crops and biodiversity with different agricultural management practices (conventional, organic) and conditions of biotic stress / abiotic.
  4. Create a multi-criteria model to assess the state of the soil biodiversity of farming systems with the aim of using bioefectors and bioinoculants more efficiently.
  5. Develop technical tools to monitor the persistence and dispersal of bioinoculants under field conditions for ecotoxicological and agronomic purposes.
  6. Assess the effects of the new strategy on the economy, environmental quality, and ecosystem functions.
  7. Disseminate the results among all stakeholders with a dynamic and comprehensive methodology and encourage the adoption of recommended practices derived from the new strategy at the local, regional and international levels.

Who are the Knights of the Round Table?

The Excalibur project is developed by public and private entities in Europe that have developed their strategy in three main activities subdivided into six Work Packages (WP).

There is no doubt that the results of the Excalibur project will be exciting.

 Kick-off meeting of the H2020 project EXCALIBUR (On 19-21 June 2019)

Kick-off meeting of the H2020 project EXCALIBUR (On 19-21 June 2019)

Call To Action

For additional information about the Excalibur project, you can click the button

AGFOSY Project


From the CONSOLE project we are delighted to present the AGFOSY Project.

AGFOSY is an Erasmus + strategic partnership project and is funded by the EU (The AGFOSY project has been funded with support from the European Commission, with reference number 2018-1-CZ01-KA202-048153).

The AGFOSY project is carried out by a consortium of seven partners from six different countries, they are working together to raise awareness and promote Agroforestry measures across Europe.

The AGFOSY project partners in Toulouse meeting, France on May 23 – 24th.
The AGFOSY project partners in Toulouse meeting, France on May 23 – 24th.

About the project

Agroforestry is defined as a land use system where woody vegetation grows in association with agricultural crops or livestock on the same land.

Thus, this combination increases the diversity of agricultural production, reduces farmers’ dependence on a crop, and provides many important environmental services (reduced soil erosion, water conservation, maintenance of soil fertility, conservation of biodiversity, etc.).

In addition, Agroforestry provides solutions to different problems, such as income diversification, unemployment and ecological services.

This system provides a wide range of services, making it possible to contribute to sustainable growth and mitigation and adaptation to climate change.

Most importantly, Agroforestry helps to achieve the objectives of the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) as the shift towards a low carbon and resilient economy in agriculture. In addition, Agroforestry leads to diversifying income and increasing productivity.

The project will be developed mainly in the north and center of continental Europe and looks for new systems that fit or help solve the specific collectivization heritage of Eastern Europe: large fields, treeless landscapes, etc.

From the CONSOLE project we are looking forward to hearing the results of your research.

Visit the AGFOSY website

You can get more information about the AGFOSY project by clicking on the following button.