Category Archives: Deliver2022


D1.6 Report on technological aspects

Author/ s: Blanco-Velázquez, Francisco José, González Peñaloza, Félix and Anaya- Romero, María

Filiation: Evenor-Tech

Contributors: All partners


Technology has been applied in agriculture as a tool to reduce labour effects and improve labour efficiency. However, they also provide valuable information that provides both the farmer and other users with a better understanding of other assets provided by a farm. In this document, the different technologies applied in the agricultural sector are analysed, differentiating them between compliance technologies and monitoring of agri-environmental public goods (AECPGs) based on scientific publications, reports from relevant entities, meetings with key stakeholders and actions carried out in the CONSOLE project and in other Research and Innovation projects.

For this, the CONSOLE project partners have provided relevant information on the actions carried out in their case studies as well as national and / or local developments. Subsequently, the information received has been classified and categorized according to the type of technology used.

This document reflects the variety of technologies available in the sector that allows and favors the development of new contractual relationships that increase or promote AECPGs following the objectives set by the new CAP Farm to Fork, Green Deal and the objectives of sustainable development of FAO.

However, to favor the implementation of the technology and therefore the development of new contractual relationships, an incentive from the responsible parties can be crucial to achieve the objectives set for Horizon 2030.

For that, this document reflects the perception from key actors to analyze current technologies and their feasibility to be implemented under different contractual relationships and AECPGs promoted.


Report on clustering with other project - draft

Report on clustering with other project – draft

Author/ s: Davide Viaggi, Nidhi Raina;  Stefano Targetti.

Filiation: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – Università di Bologna

Contributors: Schaller L., Blanco Velazquez F. J., Paillard H., Runge T., De Geronimo G., Eichhorn T., Delaunay S., Langlais-Hesse, A.


This document is a guide for practitioners to support the design of initiatives for the provision of agri-environmental-climate public goods (AECPGs) by agriculture and forest, focusing on the consideration of four contract characteristics: land tenure prescriptions, result-based payments, collective provisions, and value chain contracts.

The document is intended as an entry point to support contract design. It starts from the whole picture of contract design based on local needs, illustrates simplified model contracts, and then provides simple illustrations of decision trees supporting the decision-making process.

This document is a short and concise version of the report D1.4 that describes the Draft framework for the provision of AECPGs developed in the CONSOLE project and represents the draft version of a complete design guide. References to D1.4 are made through the text of this short guide to indicate where more details can be found for each design topic.

This version of the document is intended as a draft to test its usefulness through task 5.2 activities of CONSOLE. Any feedback and suggestions are welcome, particularly on model contracts and decision trees in sections 3, 4, and 5.


Short Design Guide for Practitioners

Short Design Guide for Practitioners (Deliverable 1.4)

Author/ s: Davide Viaggi, Nidhi Raina;  Stefano Targetti.

Filiation: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – Università di Bologna

Contributors: Schaller L., Blanco Velazquez F. J., Paillard H., Runge T., De Geronimo G., Eichhorn T., Delaunay S., Langlais-Hesse, A.


This document is a guide for practitioners to support the design of initiatives for the provision of agri-environmental-climate public goods (AECPGs) by agriculture and forest, focusing on the consideration of four contract characteristics: land tenure prescriptions, result-based payments, collective provisions, and value chain contracts.

The document is intended as an entry point to support contract design. It starts from the whole picture of contract design based on local needs, illustrates simplified model contracts, and then provides simple illustrations of decision trees supporting the decision-making process.

This document is a short and concise version of the report D1.4 that describes the Draft framework for the provision of AECPGs developed in the CONSOLE project and represents the draft version of a complete design guide. References to D1.4 are made through the text of this short guide to indicate where more details can be found for each design topic.

This version of the document is intended as a draft to test its usefulness through task 5.2 activities of CONSOLE. Any feedback and suggestions are welcome, particularly on model contracts and decision trees in sections 3, 4, and 5.



Draft Framework

Author/ s: Davide Viaggi, Nidhi Raina;  Stefano Targetti.

Filiation: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – Università di Bologna

Contributors: Schaller L., Blanco Velazquez F. J., Paillard H., Runge T., De

Geronimo G., Eichhorn T., Delaunay S., Langlais-Hesse A.


This document reports on the Draft framework for the provision of AECPGs developed in the CONSOLE project. The report illustrates the characteristics and draft contents of the framework, including first solutions to make it usable in a decision-making context and first online implementation.

This task will focus on developing parts a) and b) of the framework, i.e., respectively the catalogue showcasing existing successful experiences and good practices and improved AECPGs contracts solutions. Using task 1.1. as a conceptual basis this task will take stock of information basis arising from tasks 2.1, in order to develop a draft part a) of the framework; based on this it will develop a range of improved contract solutions to meet the objectives of the project and build up part b) of the framework. These will be fed and refined during the task benefiting of additional results from the tasks 2.2, 2.3 and intermediate lessons learned in task 2.5. This will be done through a framing and structuring workshop (WEU1.1), including the invitation of key external experts and stakeholders. The outcome of this task will feed task 1.3 and WP3.

This document is part of CONSOLE’s WP1 which focuses on the development of the AECPG contractual framework, including model contracts, which is at the core of the project, through a deep involvement of the relevant Community of Practice (discussed in WP5). This work package aims to produce a consolidated report wherein the inputs from other WPs will be incorporated in a process of co- constructed knowledge accumulation and operationalization.


Report on clustering with other project - draft

Deliverable 7.2. Report on clustering with other project – draft

Author/ s: Davide Viaggi

Filiation: ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – Università di Bologna


This deliverable provides information about coordination with sister projects funded under the topic RUR03. In particular, it lists actions taken during the first 6 months to encourage coordination and the main points agreed with the other projects.
