Catalogue of updated factsheets of European in-depth case studies

D2.6 Catalogue of updated factsheets of European in-depth case studies

Author/ s:

Theresa Eichhorn, Jochen Kantelhardt and Lena Schaller

Fabio Bartollini, Inga Berzina, Tracy Bradfield, Micaela Cosgrove, Pierre Dupraz, Maira Dzelzkaleja-Burmistre, Darta Gatere, Emmi Haltia, Katri Hamunen, Thia Hennessy, Ana Iglesias, Alice Issanchou, Mikko Kurttila, Fanny Le Gloux, Jussi Leppänen, Edward Majewski, Agata Malak-Rawlikowska, Dimitre Nikolov, Matteo Olivieri, Meri Raggi, Tania Runge, Nynke Schulp, Kristina Todorova, Emmanouil Tyllianakis, Francisco Jose Blanco Velazquez, Daniele Vergamini, Esa- Jussi Viitala, Davide Viaggi, Matteo Zavalloni

Contributors: All partners


This document represents deliverable D2.6 “Catalogue of updated factsheets of European in-depth case studies” within work package WP2 “Diagnostic of existing experiences on Agri-Environmental-Climate Public Goods (AECPGs)” of the EU Horizon 2020 project CONSOLE.
In its first part, the document describes the process of updating the factsheets from D2.1 “Catalogue of descriptive factsheets of all European case studies”, whereby updates have been carried out in the case that major changes/ strong developments in the case studies took place in the last two years (2020-2022) and/or in the case that further knowledge on the cases has been gained within the project (WP3, WP4). In its second part, the document contains the catalogue of 61 (updated)factsheet.
The updated factsheets illustrate 59 European (EU) case study examples of contract solutions for the improved provision of AECPGs. Also, the catalogue contains 2 examples beyond Europe, of which 1 comes from the USA and 1 from Guadaloupe (FR).


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