On the CONSOLE project website, we want to highlight one of the deliverables that should be consulted by any stakeholder. This is deliverable D2.3, entitled “Report on European in-depth case studies” found within Work Package 2 (WP2)
Deliverable objective
The European In-Depth Studies report provides a brief introduction to the objectives of the deliverable and the tasks addressed. It describes the data collection process in depth and briefly presents the criteria that are the basis for performance evaluation, as well as the types of contract solutions considered in the project. What’s more, provides an in-depth look at 26 in-depth CONSOLE studies.
Tackled tasks
Deliverable 2.3 reflects the activities carried out in Task 2.2 of the project, which is titled “Data collection, selection and diagnosis of the reasons for the success and failure of initiatives in Europe (M4-M11)”, which has been led by BOKU team and co-led by UNIBO.
The Task T2.2 dealt with data collection and analysis of a large number of selected case studies of exemplary contract solutions in Europe. Data collection and analysis were divided into two levels of diagnostic intensity, which have been defined in the DoA as “first level analysis” and “second level analysis“.
The world-class analysis aims to provide a comprehensive Inventory of contract solution case studies across Europe and beyond; Meanwhile, the Second-level analysis was dedicated to the in-depth evaluation of a small number of selected contract solution case studies, specifically evaluating the framework conditions and contract specifications of successfully implemented contract solutions to improve the provision of AECPG in Europe.
Much more content that you cannot miss
The Deliverable 2.3. It is full of high-quality information that you should or should not miss. This is the case of the deep compilation of the case studies and your summary (section 3 Y 4, respectively), the presentation of Agri-Environmental-Climate Public Goods (AECPGs), the Framework conditions and context situation (section 5), and much more.