The European Parliament’s Department of Structural and Cohesion Policies has developed an in-depth analysis of the possible implications of the Farm-to-Fork Strategy (F2F) for agriculture and the CAP and, as a result, in the legislative work of the AGRI Committee during the period 2020-2023.
Remember that on November 28th, 2019, the European Parliament approved a resolution declaring a climate and environmental emergency in Europe and worldwide, before the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP25) held from December 2 to 13. In a separate resolution the same day, the European Parliament also called on the EU to present its strategy to achieve climate neutrality as soon as possible, and by 2050 at the latest, to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change.
Likewise, the Communication of the “European Green Agreement”, published by the European Commission on December 11, 2019, launched the debate on the strategy to become “the first climate-neutral continent in the world by 2050.” And from there, on January 15, 2020, the European Parliament adopted a new resolution that welcomes the initiative.
MEPs called for an increase in the EU greenhouse gas emission reduction target of 2030 to 55% compared to 1990 levels. The EP resolution also stressed the importance of strengthening social dialogue at all levels and sectors to guarantee a fair and inclusive transition to a climate neutral economy.
Finally, MEPs requested that the Commission analyzes the contribution of the CAP reform proposal against the objectives established in the European green agreement.
According to this report, the European green agreement goes far beyond climate policy. It includes a new EU sustainable growth model that emphasizes that decarbonisation, sustainability, protection of natural resources, public health and economic competitiveness must go hand in hand.
But the COVID19 crisis appeared, and the measures and investments of the EU Green Agreement can become strategic “building blocks” that support the post-coronavirus recovery.
Therefore, the comprehensive Green Deal package defines the key policy guidelines of the von der Leyen’s Commission for the next five years. The new EU flagship framework confirms the need for an intersectoral, coherent and holistic approach, but also a territorial dimension, which is crucial for agriculture resources and biodiversity.
So, in this publication of the European Parliament, you can find information related to the Farm-to-Fork Strategy: scope and guidelines:
- Structure of the F2F communication.
- The agricultural playing field of the F2F Strategy.
- Objectives and goals
- CAP reforms against the European Green Agreement and the F2F strategy.
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