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Communication and dissemination strategy of the CONSOLE project

Communication and dissemination plan of the CONSOLE project

Currently, one of the most important elements when carrying out a project is the communication and dissemination process.

In the CONSOLE PROJECT We have developed the document D.6.1 “Dissemination and outreach from Task 6.2. “Website, Hub and communication materials“.

The main aim is to boost the impact of the project, through communicating the knowledge and results of the project.

The project must be targeted a wide range of audiences in order to link research, evidence-based policy and public awareness.

Also, the communication activities, such as workshops, social media accounts and websites have been discussed in this plan as well as identified actors and stakeholders in order to effectively promote innovation in delivery of Agri-environmental Climate Public Goods (AECPG) by EU agriculture and forestry.

You can view and download Deliverable 6.1. Simply by clicking the button.

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