
Water protection bread
Summary In TUOHI, the contract solutions include private investments in the jointly owned forest forms of investing money or forest
The Bioeconomy in economic literature: looking back, looking ahead
Again on the CONSOLE website blog, we disseminate a research publications carried out by CONSOLE partners authors: Davide Viaggi, Fabio
Water protection bread
Summary The initiative called "water protection bread (Wasserschutzbrot)" is led by the government of Lower Franconia and has started in
The reform of agricultural subsidies from a health, climate and economic perspective
On several occasions, from the CONSOLE project web platform, we have made known the advances reflected in the scientific articles,
Natural Flood Management in the River Swale catchment in Yorkshire
Summary The Swaledale CSFF group was one of the first to be set up in the UK and has benefited
A New Year, A great opportunity
The New Year is a time to take stock. The border between December 31 and January 1 may be symbolic
Bio-Babalscy – organic pasta chain preserving old varieties of cereals
Summary The initiative of Bio-Babalscy company represents a case of the integrated value chain, and is an example of the
Farmers in the UK will be paid to take care of the health of their soils.
To farmers from England will be paid to take care of the floors starting next year, when the first stage
Biodiversity monitor for ARABLE farming
Summary With the successes with the Biodiversity Monitor dairy farming (started in 2014 – see other Console case study), the
EU agricultural statistics 2019
Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities inall EU countries that receive EU funds through the Common Agricultural