Category Archives: Case Study

Program “Sheep Plus” - Provincial Program of Economic Activation and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Beskids and Kraków-Częstochowa Upland

Program “Sheep Plus” – Provincial Program of Economic Activation and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Beskids and Kraków-Częstochowa Upland


The program “Owca Plus” was established in 2008 as a public initiative in order to preserve, protect and restore the biodiversity in valuable natural areas, through extensive grazing of sheep in the meadow-pasture areas of the Śląskie Voivodeship. The program is coordinated by the Marshal’s Office of the Śląskie Voivodeship (Local Government). The program currently runs as a long term initiative 2015-2020 with a total budget exceeding 1 mio. Euro. Each year an open call is organized in which non-profit organizations (e.g. foundations, associations, NGO cooperatives) and other eligible parties present offers to arrange grazing on specific areas of land by subcontracted farmers, who provide animals (sheep and goats) and plots of land for grazing. The list of recommended areas offered for grazing by the program includes 168 plots in the Beskids and 73 plots of the Kraków- Częstochowa Upland. The bidding organizations assure grazing on the area covering at least 550 ha of land in Beskids or at least 100 ha in Kraków-Częstochowa Upland. There are two organisations representing over 100 farmers, grazing about 4-6 thousand animals on over 600 hectares of land. The program brings measurable environmental, cultural and economic benefits. The outcomes of the environmental monitoring showed significant improvement of biodiversity. In the economic aspect, the tourist infrastructure was modernized and expanded to improve the accessibility and attractiveness of the areas included in the program. Thanks to the implementation of the program, the sheep population increased and the availability of meat and sheep products expanded. The program has indirectly contributed also to the development of tourism (by an increase in the number of entities offering accommodation, meals, employment in tourist services, trade and transport).


  • Preservation, protection and restoration of the biodiversity in valuable natural areas, based on extensive grazing of sheep and goats while maintaining animal welfare;
  • Maintenance and improvement of valuable natural habitats and species, depending on agricultural, especially pastoral use;
  • Restoration of valuable natural and landscape areas for grazing
  • Protection of local breeds of farm animals;
  • Maintenance and restoration of architecture associated with traditional pastoral grazing;
  • Protection of cultural heritage, supporting and sustaining the traditions, customs and other related elements of folk culture of pastoralism.

Public Goods

(Farmland) biodiversity
(Farmland) biodiversity
Farm animal health and welfare
Farm animal health and welfare
Landscape and scenery
Landscape and scenery
Cultural heritage
Cultural heritage
Program “Sheep Plus” - Provincial Program of Economic
Activation and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of
the Beskids and Kraków-Częstochowa Upland
Program “Sheep Plus” – Provincial Program of Economic Activation and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Beskids and Kraków-Częstochowa Upland

Problem description

The gradual disappearance of sheep grazing observed over the years due to a significant reduction in the demand for sheep products (wool, cheese, meat) almost irreversibly affected the overgrowing of naturally valuable areas of the Beskids and the Kraków-Częstochowa Upland with expansive plant species and self-sown trees.
This, in turn, led to the impoverishment of nature that may cause irreversible changes in the traditional landscape, depriving it of, among others tourist values. The program, introduced in 2008, responds to the needs for preservation of natural and cultural heritage of the Śląskie Voivodeship, and in particular for restoration of pastoral economy in the Beskids and Kraków-Częstochowa Upland, in order to stop adverse natural changes, as well as to protect the cultural heritage of these areas.

Green Deal Dutch Soy

Green Deal Dutch Soy


The Gree Deal Dutch Soy is a contract between national government, regional governments, a soy processer / feed producer, and farmers. They aim at establishing a viable production chain for soy in the Netherlands, by identifying the most suitable varieties and ensuring a solid soy production volume that allows a viable chain, with fair
prices for soy farmers. Being a legume crop, soy can sequester nitrogen in the soil, with that reducing the need for fertilizers in the follow up crop and benefiting soil quality in the long run. Furthermore, increasing the soy area in the Netherlands can have a positive impact on biodiversity. The Green Deal Dutch Soy is a set of non-binding commitments.


  • The Green Deal Dutch Soy aims to realise 10 000 ha/year harvested area and an average yield of at least 3500 kg/ha.

Public Goods

(Farmland) biodiversity
(Farmland) biodiversity
Climate regulation - carbon storage
Climate regulation – carbon storage
Climate regulation - carbon storage
Climate regulation – carbon storage
Quality and security of products
Quality and security of products
Soil quality (and health)
Soil quality (and health)
Green Deal Dutch Soy

Problem description

Green deals have been established in the Netherlands to stimulate entrepreneurship and to enable entrepreneurs and societal partners to test and implement green solutions in a bottom-up, solid, quick, but robust way. They aim to overcome bureaucratic and related time consumption barriers that normally hamper innovation. The specific Green Deal Dutch Soy specifically responds to the unsustainable soy production standards in the current Dutch trade partners for this crop.




LIFE+ project “Restoration of Corncrake habitats in Dviete floodplain Natura 2000 site ” 2010-2015
The Nature Park and Natura 2000 site ‘Dviete floodplain’ was established in 2004 and covers an area of 4,989 hectares. It is one of the largest and best-preserved functioning river floodplains, and one of the most important breeding areas of the Spotted Crake, Corncrake and Great Snipe in Latvia. It is also a globally important stop-over site for waterfowl during spring migrations. The area and biological quality of Dviete floodplain grasslands have been remarkably decreased by alteration of the hydrological regime during the 20th century. Drained and abandoned grasslands overgrown with bushes, becoming unsuitable for the breeding of the Corncrake and other protected grassland bird species. Some measures have been taken to improve the conservation status of Corncrake
(Crex crex in Latvia). For example, the straightened section of the river Dviete with a length of about 2 km has been restored in its natural hydrological regime of the flood plain favourable to the corncrake, by preventing overgrowth of the surrounding grassland and to increase the common biodiversity of the flood plain. Shrubs and trees on an area of at least 100 ha were removed in cooperation with the landowners to restore the corncrake’s habitats – open floodplain grasslands. By removing shrub barriers, a continuous area of approximately 300 ha of corncrake habitat was restored. The contracts were signed in the project for the restoration of the meadows and grazing of biologically valuable grasslands.


  • Restoration of a straightened section of the Dviete River to its natural bed above Lake Skuķu to improve the hydrological conditions of the floodplain and prevent overgrowth of the meadows while restoring the historical floodplain landscape;
  • Restoration of floodplain grasslands by cutting shrubs and trees overgrown with them;
  • Establishment of grazing areas for cattle and horses in restored floodplain meadows for their subsequent maintenance in a state suitable for meadow birds.

Public Goods

(Farmland) biodiversity
(Farmland) biodiversity
Landscape and scenery
Dviete floodplain landscapes before and after restoration of grasslands (24.05.2011. and
22.10.2015). Photo: E. Račinskis

Problem description

During the 20 century, natural values of the Dviete floodplain suffered from the straightening of watercourses, drainage of wetlands, intensification of agriculture and later also the abandonment of grasslands. Parts of Dviete floodplains of former grasslands are overgrown with shrubs and trees, losing their importance to both grassland birds and migratory waterfowl. Shortly after the creation of the Dviete Floodplain nature park, a nature protection plan for the site was developed in 2005 as part of the LIFE project “Restoration of Latvian floodplain meadows for the conservation of EU priority species and habitats” (LIFE04NAT / LV / 000198; 2004- 2008). One of the objectives of the plan was to restore the hydrological regime of the drained floodplain. This included restoring river bends in the floodplain following existing stretches of old riverbeds, and gradual downstream restoration. After the implementation of the project, the area needs to be agriculturally maintained under consideration of environmental aspects.

Cooperation in Natura 2000 area benefiting biodiversity

Cooperation in Natura 2000 area benefiting biodiversity (Measure 16.5)


This operation targets effective interventions for biodiversity protection in areas with Natura 2000. These environmental efforts require synergic and coordinated actions to protect biodiversity, primarily removing any critical issues that may exist in the Natura 2000 areas (coming from the implementation of measures by the Habitats and Birds directives). The cooperative approach allows to reach specific objectives not effectively achieved with individual interventions. This method starts with a “mutual agreement” phase, where the involvement of the largest number of beneficiaries is required. It evolves in the creation of a “local cooperation agreement”, approved by the local competent authority for biodiversity.


  • Safeguarding, restoring and improving biodiversity in Natura 2000 areas.

Public Goods

(Farmland) biodiversity
(Farmland) biodiversity
Landscape and scenery
Cooperation in Natura 2000 area benefiting biodiversity (Measure 16.5)

Problem description

The driving force of this measure is “Safeguarding, restoring and improving biodiversity, in Natura 2000 areas and in areas subject to natural or specific obligations “. The RDP and therefore the political region has supported during the last three Rural Development Programs (from 2000 to 2019) measures that push towards a more careful approach toward protected area.
It is important, for the purpose of maintaining a sustainable management and moreover for the restoration of forest, agricultural ecosystems and natural/semi-natural habitats, to financially support farmers who actually have a low-income due to the protection of natural areas.

Protected areas of private forests as tourism destination

Terres de Sources – Public food order in Brittany, France


The aim of this contract solution is to create a public call for tenders that is orientated towards environmental services while also providing food supply to canteens in Rennes urban area.
An association between Collectivité Eau du Bassin Rennais (EBR) and the city of Rennes initiated the first call for tenders in 2015 to supply Rennes canteens (10,000 meals per day, a budget of 50,000€ per year). There were three applicants (two pork and one dairy producers). Those three farmers had committed to improve their agricultural practices for the length of the contract (3 years) using the French IDEA method, which includes a system of 42 sustainability indicators. When applying to the call, the farmers decide their output price based on their cost of production, transport cost to canteens and an additional adjustment cost towards more environmental friendly practices. EBR also gives them an annual bonus payment according to their environmental contribution using an incentive term mentioned in Article 17 of the French public markets rules. A farmer who contracts with the city of Rennes and EBR gets a fair price of his output and a bonus payment for the environmental service he provides to enhance drinking water quality.
From this first experience, EBR and 15 municipalities in Rennes urban area launched a second public call for tenders to supply canteens in this area (20,000 meals per day) in 2017. There were 20 applicants (meat, fruits and vegetables, dairy, wheat …). The farmers
who have contracted for 4 years under this call are either direct sellers or sell their output through downstream firms (the agricultural cooperative Le Gouessant, Establishment Bigard or the new dairy cooperative Lait Sprit d’Ethique).


  • Improve drinking water quality in Rennes urban area in Brittany, France

Public Goods

Water quality-
drinking water – and
further ecological benefits
Terres de Sources - Public food order in Brittany, France
Terres de Sources – Public food order in Brittany, France

Problem description

Collectivité Eau du Bassin Rennais (EBR), the local government which produces, manages and distributes drinking water supply within the Rennes urban area, has committed to provide solutions to improve water quality (e.g. reduction in nitrogen and pesticide use) in Rennes urban area in Brittany (10th urban area with 710,000 inhabitants). Rennes urban area is composed of 56 municipalities and provides drinking water for 480,000 inhabitants. Drinking water catchment areas are located in an intensive agricultural area (2,000 farms). Two water basins are concerned. The first one is located in Northeastern Rennes, where agricultural production is mainly dairy production. The second one is located in Western Rennes with animal production (dairy, pig and poultry productions).

Protected areas of private forests as tourism destination

Protected areas of private forests as tourism destination


Kuusamo cooperation network (2016-2019) is one of the first attempts to use private forests as a tourism destination and provide a possibility to compensate their use for private forest owners. The aim of the Kuusamo project is to enable contracts between private forest owners and tourism entrepreneurs. The contract has features of land tenure, collective implementation and result-based agreement. Contracts increase access to attractive landscapes and sceneries, and this recreational access can improve physical and mental health. Contracts support rural viability and vitality. The project was initiated by the Forest Centre who took contact to voluntary forest owners and planned 14 nature trails leading to the protected spots. Local tourism enterprises are offered a map of these nature trails as well as additional facilities (parking area, shelter, fireplace). The length of the trails vary from 2-5 kilometers and they are not marked into the forest. Forest owner and the enterprise are free to agree the compensation model, for example number of people visiting the spot. By the end of the project, four contracts will have been made.


  • Create a contract model and enable cooperation to born between forest owner and local tourism enterprises (rural vitality);
  • Promote nature-based tourism (landscape, scenery, recreational access) together with biodiversity protection and forestry, i.e. multifunctional forest management;
  • Deliver knowledge of Finnish forestry and multiple uses of forests to foreign tourists (rural vitality).

Public Goods

Landscape and scenary
Rural viability
and vitality
Rural viability and vitality
Protected areas of private forests as tourism destination
Protected areas of private forests as tourism destination

Problem description

The Rueda case study is located in the Duero River basin in northern-central part of Spain, where it occupies an area of 280,000 ha and currently grapewine is grown in almost 15,000 ha. Rueda belongs to the Mediterranean Continental pedoclimatic zone. The Rueda region is one of the wine regions in Spain that is more profitable, but at the same time needs a lot of man work, so organic production is a clear alternative. Wine production in the area in Rueda, is challenged by four main threats: water scarcity, decrease in financial support from the CAP, frost and future climate projections. The sustainability of wine production in the area is dependent on organic production that is becoming more attractive to consumers and with very high demand for export. The Rueda region offers a great possibility for organic production since the limited summer rainfall guarantees low incidence of diseases, especially mildew, therefore if the crop is
adequately managed, does not require pesticides. Riscal is a leading company for innovation for organic production in technology and commercially. The producers also plant trees in the edges of the fields to comply with the greening measures of the CAP.