Report on performance and design of solutions for the provision of AECPGs in value chain perspective

D4.4 Report on performance and design of solutions for the provision of AECPGs in value chain perspective

Matteo Zavalloni, Davide Viaggi, Pierre Dupraz Elodie Letort, Fanny Le Gloux, Tania Runge


  • VC_INRAE: Elodie Letort, Fanny Le Gloux, Pierre Dupraz;
  • VC_UNIBO: Francois Bareille, Matteo Zavalloni, Davide Viaggi;
  • VC_TI: Tania Rungem


Deliverable D4.4. reports on the modelling exercises and results related to “ Task 4.5 Modelling AECPGs in value chain perspective”. Three models have been developed. Two of them assume a theoretical perspective based on the impure public-good framework focusing on the effect of different labels and on the optimal source of agri- environmental public good financing. The third model simulates the up-scale of a local initiative targeting fertiliser reduction. The main finding of the deliverable is that market- based instruments cannot substitute public policies, while they can be seen as complementary.


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