Matteo Zavalloni, Davide Viaggi, Pierre Dupraz Elodie Letort, Fanny Le Gloux, Tania Runge
- VC_INRAE: Elodie Letort, Fanny Le Gloux, Pierre Dupraz;
- VC_UNIBO: Francois Bareille, Matteo Zavalloni, Davide Viaggi;
- VC_TI: Tania Rungem
Deliverable D4.4. reports on the modelling exercises and results related to “ Task 4.5 Modelling AECPGs in value chain perspective”. Three models have been developed. Two of them assume a theoretical perspective based on the impure public-good framework focusing on the effect of different labels and on the optimal source of agri- environmental public good financing. The third model simulates the up-scale of a local initiative targeting fertiliser reduction. The main finding of the deliverable is that market- based instruments cannot substitute public policies, while they can be seen as complementary.