“Carta del Mulino” – Barilla

“Carta del Mulino” – Barilla


With the “Carta del Mulino”-program a value chain contract solution has been introduced for the farmers that supply Barilla’s bakery brand Mulino Bianco with soft wheat. Farmers have to respect ten rules, (defined together with WWF, UNITUSCIA and UNIBO) that affect their way of production. These rules are: ISCC PLUS certification to preserve biodiversity, crop rotation, a minimum percentage of area allocated to flowers, specific variety selection, certified seeds, no use of neonicotinoids, no use of glyphosate, segregation and traceability of the lots, lots’ storage separated from other production, added value distributed along the supply-chain. The contracts are signed by the mills, elevators, farmers and any trader if there are, but Barilla is purchasing only such certified products for the specific production lines described above.


Increase in animal and plant biodiversity, quality products and support of farming communities

Public Goods

Rural viability and vitality
Rural viability and vitality
(Farmland) biodiversity
(Farmland) biodiversity
“Carta del Mulino” – Barilla
“Carta del Mulino” – Barilla

Problem description

Consumer preferences have reoriented toward environmentally friendly products, safety, and traceability. To deal with this change, Barilla has implemented a contract solution that links the delivery of soft wheat for the production of bread and flour confectionery (e.g. biscuits) to the provision of agri- environmental public goods.

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2 thoughts on ““Carta del Mulino” – Barilla

  1. Pingback: A remarkable increase in organic farming - CONSOLE

  2. Pingback: Entendiendo la agricultura ecológica – evenor-tech

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