
LIFE+ project “Restoration of Corncrake habitats in Dviete floodplain Natura 2000 site ” 2010-2015
The Nature Park and Natura 2000 site ‘Dviete floodplain’ was established in 2004 and covers an area of 4,989 hectares. It is one of the largest and best-preserved functioning river floodplains, and one of the most important breeding areas of the Spotted Crake, Corncrake and Great Snipe in Latvia. It is also a globally important stop-over site for waterfowl during spring migrations. The area and biological quality of Dviete floodplain grasslands have been remarkably decreased by alteration of the hydrological regime during the 20th century. Drained and abandoned grasslands overgrown with bushes, becoming unsuitable for the breeding of the Corncrake and other protected grassland bird species. Some measures have been taken to improve the conservation status of Corncrake
(Crex crex in Latvia). For example, the straightened section of the river Dviete with a length of about 2 km has been restored in its natural hydrological regime of the flood plain favourable to the corncrake, by preventing overgrowth of the surrounding grassland and to increase the common biodiversity of the flood plain. Shrubs and trees on an area of at least 100 ha were removed in cooperation with the landowners to restore the corncrake’s habitats – open floodplain grasslands. By removing shrub barriers, a continuous area of approximately 300 ha of corncrake habitat was restored. The contracts were signed in the project for the restoration of the meadows and grazing of biologically valuable grasslands.


  • Restoration of a straightened section of the Dviete River to its natural bed above Lake Skuķu to improve the hydrological conditions of the floodplain and prevent overgrowth of the meadows while restoring the historical floodplain landscape;
  • Restoration of floodplain grasslands by cutting shrubs and trees overgrown with them;
  • Establishment of grazing areas for cattle and horses in restored floodplain meadows for their subsequent maintenance in a state suitable for meadow birds.

Public Goods

(Farmland) biodiversity
(Farmland) biodiversity
Landscape and scenery
Dviete floodplain landscapes before and after restoration of grasslands (24.05.2011. and
22.10.2015). Photo: E. Račinskis

Problem description

During the 20 century, natural values of the Dviete floodplain suffered from the straightening of watercourses, drainage of wetlands, intensification of agriculture and later also the abandonment of grasslands. Parts of Dviete floodplains of former grasslands are overgrown with shrubs and trees, losing their importance to both grassland birds and migratory waterfowl. Shortly after the creation of the Dviete Floodplain nature park, a nature protection plan for the site was developed in 2005 as part of the LIFE project “Restoration of Latvian floodplain meadows for the conservation of EU priority species and habitats” (LIFE04NAT / LV / 000198; 2004- 2008). One of the objectives of the plan was to restore the hydrological regime of the drained floodplain. This included restoring river bends in the floodplain following existing stretches of old riverbeds, and gradual downstream restoration. After the implementation of the project, the area needs to be agriculturally maintained under consideration of environmental aspects.

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