Cooperation in Natura 2000 area benefiting biodiversity

Cooperation in Natura 2000 area benefiting biodiversity (Measure 16.5)


This operation targets effective interventions for biodiversity protection in areas with Natura 2000. These environmental efforts require synergic and coordinated actions to protect biodiversity, primarily removing any critical issues that may exist in the Natura 2000 areas (coming from the implementation of measures by the Habitats and Birds directives). The cooperative approach allows to reach specific objectives not effectively achieved with individual interventions. This method starts with a “mutual agreement” phase, where the involvement of the largest number of beneficiaries is required. It evolves in the creation of a “local cooperation agreement”, approved by the local competent authority for biodiversity.


  • Safeguarding, restoring and improving biodiversity in Natura 2000 areas.

Public Goods

(Farmland) biodiversity
(Farmland) biodiversity
Landscape and scenery
Cooperation in Natura 2000 area benefiting biodiversity (Measure 16.5)

Problem description

The driving force of this measure is “Safeguarding, restoring and improving biodiversity, in Natura 2000 areas and in areas subject to natural or specific obligations “. The RDP and therefore the political region has supported during the last three Rural Development Programs (from 2000 to 2019) measures that push towards a more careful approach toward protected area.
It is important, for the purpose of maintaining a sustainable management and moreover for the restoration of forest, agricultural ecosystems and natural/semi-natural habitats, to financially support farmers who actually have a low-income due to the protection of natural areas.

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