The measure has been programmed in the RDP for the 2007 – 2013 and supports the construction of collective small-medium irrigation reservoirs. The objective is twofold: 1) to ensure a stable water supply for the agricultural sector, and 2) to reduce the pressure on groundwater resources. The support is in the form of partial coverage of construction costs and it is granted if the candidate projects involve a minimum number of farmers and/or water stored (even though the thresholds have changed over the years). In the Ravenna province, there is the largest number of measure applicants. In such an area the Consorzio di Bonifica della Romagna Occidentale (Land Reclamation Board of Western Romagna) has proved a key actor in the management of such projects, coordinating farmers demand and providing technical assistances.
- To ensure a stable water supply for the agricultural sector;
- To reduce the pressure on groundwater resources.
Public Goods
Problem description
The measure has the double objective of ensuring a stable water supply for the agricultural sector, and at the same time the reduction of groundwater consumption.