At the end of last year, the partners of the CONSOLE project published on our website a deliverable (7.2.) entitled report grouping with other projects.
This deliverable provided information on the coordination with sister projects financed under topic RUR03. In particular, it tried to list the actions carried out during the first six months to promote coordination and the main points agreed upon with the other sister projects.
In the introduction, the grouping activities with other projects financed under the same theme were listed, such as:
- The first contacts between project coordinators and facilitation of connections between partners working in the same country;
- Update on deliverables and planned activities;
- Reciprocal participation of the coordinators in the ABs of the other projects;
- Joint dissemination activities;
- Connect and disseminate information through the website and social media.
Therefore, this particular document lists the actions taken during the first six months of the project activities to establish contacts and foster coordination with the EFFECTS and CONTRACTS2.0 projects.
In short, consulting this document is highly recommended for the activities and coordination strategies developed to support coordination between projects are listed, and which may be useful both to provide general information on those activities, and to apply the subsequent actions or projects models.