
Lessons Learned

One of the tasks of the research stage of the CONSOLE project is to have a deliverable of the lessons learned (Deliverable 2.4) that are framed within the WP2 work package.

The objectives of the document are to provide lessons learned from a variety of existing (implemented) contractual solutions for the improved delivery of AECPG both within and outside the EU.

And to achieve this objective, a structural approach is adopted:

  1. Introduction to the case studies, analyzing it in terms of the characteristics of the contract, Agro-Environmental-Climate Public Goods addressed (AECPGs), forestry and agricultural systems, contracting alliances, financial parties and payment mechanisms;
  2. Through a qualitative analysis, the contract specifications and the reasons for the success and failure of the case studies are presented;
  3. The reasons for the success of exemplary cases outside the EU and cases beyond the CONSOLE EU case studies (see deliverable 2.2);
  4. General conclusions and recommendations are drawn, taking into account EU case studies, non-EU case studies and in-depth case studies.

Therefore, through this approach, deliverable 2.4 provides information on the specificities and framework conditions that drive the success of the contract solutions presented in the case studies. In addition, the deliverable can provide a knowledge base on what to consider when enhancing contract solutions for enhanced provision of AECPG.


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