World Soil Day 2020

World Soil Day 2020

This year’s theme of the World Soil Day 2020 ‘Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity’ is very much at the heart of the CONSOLE project where we are looking at innovative contract solutions for the delivery of environmental public goods.

Only by fostering the interlinkages between farming activities, soil organisms and natural processes from an ecological and a socio-economic point of view a transition to a more sustainable agricultural production is possible.

The CONSOLE factsheets provide a valuable source of voluntary environment and climate measures demonstrating that:

  • encouraging the growth of flowering cover crops, intercrops and perennial crops does not only benefit above ground biodiversity, but is also important for soil organisms which are key for soil quality and health by fostering nutrient cycling, water regulation, and pathogen suppression
  • extensive livestock grazing, in particular in mountainous areas, enhances carbon storage under permanent pasture and reduces the risk of soil erosion
  • maintaining and establishing of landscape elements and non-productive field strips and edges provides valuable habitats and serve as a gene reservoir for soil organisms

You can download some of the CONSOLE project case studies related to soils.

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