79% of Spaniards are not properly informed about sustainable processes in agriculture

79% of Spaniards are not properly informed about sustainable processes in agriculture

Corteva Agriscience, a company in the agricultural sector in seed technology, crop protection and digital agriculture, prepared a report, “Sustainability in the food sector: a challenge for all”, in order to know the consumer, their demands, the existing trends related to the consumption of sustainably produced food.

The study has had the participation of 2,000 spaniards consumers, responsible for purchasing food products for the home. Likewise, it includes the perception and vision of representatives of the sector, such as AEPLA (Business Association for the Protection of Plants), or ANOVE (The National Association of Plant Breeders) and the distribution channel, with the contribution of ACES (Spanish Association of Chains de Supermarkets) and ASEDAS (Spanish Association of Distributors, Self-services and Supermarkets).

Consumers preferences

According to this repost, the 79% of Spaniards admit that they are not properly informed about the sustainable processes carried out in agriculture, according to a study carried out by the Corteva company among 2,000 consumers.

Corteva has prepared the report “Sustainability in the food sector: a challenge for all“, in order to know the consumer, their demands and the existing trends related to the purchase of food produced in a sustainable way.

The profile of the consumer who chooses more for this type of food corresponds to women (53.4%) between 25-35 years (54.4%) and who live in the Autonomous Communities of Galicia (59.4%), Aragon (58.3%) and Navarra (58%)

79% acknowledge that they are not correctly informed about the processes carried out in sustainable agriculture and a third of those surveyed interested in receiving more information.


In this sense, some of the conclusions drawn from this study reveal that 72% of respondents have knowledge about sustainable produced food and the vast majority of respondents (79.1%) acknowledged that they are not correctly informed of the processes carried out in sustainable agriculture, and from this data it is derived that more than 75% affirm that they would like to receive more information about the processes implemented to make this type of agriculture possible.

In terms of purchasing habits, 51% of consumers claim to have consumed more sustainably produced products compared to 49% who have maintained their usual purchasing trend. At this point, the main reasons why they argue to justify their purchase decision is that they are not well indicated (39%), they are not easily found (26%), they look at the price (15%), they do not find an improvement to the organoleptic level (20%) or concerned about their food safety (2%).

The profile of this emerging consumer corresponds to women (53.4%) between 25-35 years (54.4%) and who live in the Autonomous Communities of Galicia (59.4%), Aragon (58.3%) and Navarra (58%).



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