Ministers discuss today about the PAC and Farm to Fork

Today there will be a meeting of the Council of Ministers of Agriculture of the European Union (EU). It will be the first meeting under the German presidency, so one of the topics to be discussed for the day will be the presentation of its work program in the agri-food sector for the next six months. It will also be the first face-to-face meeting of the Ministers of Agriculture since the appearance of COVID-19.

The meeting will focus on two fundamental themes. On the one hand, the ministers will continue to advance in their debate on the next Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). In particular, the regulation of the CAP’s strategic plans and green architecture will be discussed.

Another topic to discuss will be the analysis of the Farm-to-Fork strategy, which the European Commission presented last May and which is the route for the agri-food sector to reach the Green Payment fines.

Farm to Fork Strategy

As we have already mentioned in the blog on the CONSOLE project website, some of the objectives set for the 2013 strategy are to reduce the use of plant protection products by 50%, increase organic production by 25% or reduce antimicrobial sales a livestock 50%.

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