Kick Off Meeting


CONtract SOLutions for Effective and lasting delivery of agri-environmental-climate public goods by EU agriculture and forestry, H2020

(GA n°817949)

Kick-off meeting

Seville, 22-24 May 2019

Venue: Evenor Tech, Italian Pavilion, Cartuja Science and Technology Park, St. Isaac Newton, Seville, Spain

Contents of the meeting from DoA

“The project starts with preliminary work on the conceptual framework (T1.1) and the data collection protocol (T2.1), as well as with the setup of the community of practice (WP5) and the initiation of the communication strategy (WP6), to enable full launch of these activities at the kick-off meeting (Month 1). Tasks 1.1 and 2.1 will be the core of the period between the Kick-off and the second project meeting, aimed at providing both a conceptual framework and a draft data collection protocol for WP2 case studies activities. Before the second meeting, the protocol will be tested by pilot collection of data within (T2.2) and outside (T2.3) Europe, while tasks 1.5 and 1.6 will start with the aim of incorporating legal and technical issues in the data collection procedures. Between the kick-off and the second project meeting also the first round of multiplier events (T6.4) will be held in order to start communication about the project. In addition, interaction with key EU players such as EIP and Rural Development Networks will start (T6.3), as well as coordination with other projects (T7.1)”

Based on the above, the meeting has the following objectives:

  • Allow fine tune and discussion of the overall project strategy
  • Discuss case studies already identified and additional ones
  • Getting started and planning activities in WP1, 2, 5 and 6
  • Discuss management approach and duties
  • Discuss open access, GDPR and other issues related to data and ethics

22nd May 2019 – Preliminary meeting

17.00-19.00 Stakeholder event
20.00 Get together and social dinner

23rd May 2019 – First day meeting

9.00-9.15 Welcome of participants  
9.15-10.15 Roundtable: partners presentation All
10.15-10.30 Project presentation D. Viaggi -UNIBO
10.30-10.45 Officer’s view C. De-Chefdebien, Project Officer –REA
10.45-11.00 Overview of the policy context I.Aganetto, Policy Officer – EC DG AGRI
11.00-11.30 Coffee break  
11.30-12.30 Project’s overview: more detail on individual WPs (10 minutes each): WP1, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6 WP Leaders
12.30-13.30 WP1: state of the art and background literature towards building a conceptual framework D. Viaggi -UNIBO
13.30-14.30 Lunch  
14.30-16.00 What is on the ground? Presentation of available/potential case studies by country Partners
16.00-16.30 Coffee break  
16.30-17.15 What is on the ground? Presentation of available/potential case studies by country (cont.)  
17.15-18.00 WP2 activity presentation BOKU (UNIBO)

24th May 2019 – Second day meeting

9.00-10.00 WP5 to do’s and the next steps Evenor/TI
10.00-11.00 WP6 to do’s and the next steps ELO/Evenor
11.00-11.30 Coffee break  
11.30-12.00 Administrative and management issues E. Medeot – UNIBO
12.15-13.00 Ethics and data issues   M-Raggi – UNIBO
13.00-13.30 General planning and final remarks D. Viaggi -UNIBO; C. De-Chefdebien -EC
13.30 End of meeting  
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