One of our objectives in the CONSOLE Project is promoting the exchange of information among the denominated “sister projects”. For this task, we will create a special section dedicated to these projects related to the CONSOLE objectives in our blog. Today, we will talk about the LIFT Project (Low-Input Farming and Territories).
What is the LIFT project?
LIFT is a research project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research program (H2020-EU. coordinated by INRAE (French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment).
The main objective of LIFT Project is to identify and understand how socio-economic and policy drivers impact on the development of ecological approaches to farming and assess the performance and sustainability of such approaches, taking into account different farming systems at farm, farm-group and territories scales.
The project is developed by 17 partners from 12 EU countries: INRAE (France), VetAgro Sup (France), SRUC (United Kingdom), Teagasc (Ireland), KU Leuven (Belgium), SLU (Sweden), UNIBO (Italy), BOKU (Austria), UBO (Germany), JRC (Belgium), IAE-AR (Romania), MTA KRTK (Hungary), IRWiR PAN (Poland), DEMETER (Greece), UNIKENT (United Kingdom), INRAE Transfert S.A. (France), ECOZEPT Deutschland (Germany)
If you want more about the project you can visit the website on the following link.