On March 19th, CONSOLE project partners held a conference call to replace the Third Project Meeting originally planned in Brussels and which failed due to restrictions caused by COVID-19.
Contents of the meeting
The third project meeting (Month 11) elaborated lessons learned from partial development of task 1.2 and accomplishment of task 2.2 and 2.3, and launch activities in task 1.3, WP3 and WP4; to feed the meeting and the related decisions.
The meeting had the following objectives:
- Discuss the results of case studies and fact sheets.
- Discuss the lessons learned from Task 1.1, Task 2.2 and Task 2.3
- Plan future activities in Task 1.2, 1.3, WP3 and WP4
- Plan contingency for activities that could not be carried out in private stakeholder workshops expected to be attached to the third meeting
After the welcome of the project leader, Davide Viaggi, the virtual meeting began with the presentation of each Work Package (WP); in which where showed the progress, activities performed, and next steps in each WP. In addition, a properly planned on a meticulous schedule was proposed.
In order to overcome the failed workshops with stakeholders, we will develop virtual meetings in few weeks. Follow us so you’ll never miss an update.
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