Online Training: The CONSOLE project, innovative contractual solutions & the new CAP

Online Training: The CONSOLE project, innovative contractual solutions & the new CAP

Thursday 2 December 2021 10:00 am-12:30 pm
on Microsoft Teams

The EU project CONSOLE aims to investigate and further develop novel contractual solutions for environment, nature and climate protection in agriculture. The main objective of the training entitled “The CONSOLE project, innovative contractual solutions & the new CAP” is to inform about selected new contract solutions based on the results of the CONSOLE research project, as well as to report about activities of the Community of Practice (CoP) and to provide some insights into the green architecture of the CAP 2023- 2027.
During this training event you will hear about examples of contractual solutions, their function, strengths and potential weaknesses. The focus will be put on the result-based payments, collective implementation/cooperation, land lease and supply chain approaches targeting the delivery of environmental benefits in view of facilitating their uptake. The aim is to enable participation to voluntary measures that foster the provision of public goods by agriculture and increase capacity to design and implement such measures giving particular attention to participants without expertise in this topic yet. Moreover, we will highlight contractual solutions for carbon sequestration in agricultural soils. In addition, we will address the new CAP with eco-schemes as novel instrument and the multi-annual voluntary schemes for climate and the environment. This training will be an opportunity to exchange ideas and problems of the fruit and vegetable sector and to foster the dissemination of solutions by strengthening the collaboration.
This free event is addressed to producer associations, farmers, cooperatives, professional organisations, regions and other stakeholders related to the agri-food sector.

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