The aim of this training event was to inform members of the multi-actor platform of Schleswig-Holstein about insights gained from the two surveys conducted in Germany within CONSOLE. The participants were informed about key features of the four contract solutions as well as social factors that influence farmers’ willingness to participate. Here, a focus was put on the open answers in the surveys. For each contract type key aspects raised by the farmers as well as the social factors from the PESTLE survey for result-based and collective contract type have been presented. Potential obstacles for contract designers and other actors involved in contractual solutions were intensively addressed. It became obvious that advisory support, but also the exact framing of key features can have a strong impact on the willingness to engage. For example, the difference of participation in monitoring vs. personal responsibility in monitoring have been discussed. Also, the interplay between administration and the farmers is decisive for a successful implementation and here connecting with networks or building them up could be very helpful. Another point of discussion was how such trust-based networks and cooperation in rural areas can reduce the (perceived) risks of participation and thus could benefit acceptance of novel contract solutions. The role of food industry in promoting / fostering uptake of sustainable production methods and how to engage business in networks was another topic of interest to the participants.
09:00 Welcome of the participants
09:15 Brief introduction into the workshop
09:30 Novel contractual solutions for environmental protection with agriculture – results from CONSOLE farmers’ and stakeholders’ survey – Presentation and Discussion
11:30 Importance and role of trust-based networks – Promoting trust and appreciation in environmental and climate protection in agriculture – Discussion
11:45 Concluding remarks
12:00 Lunch