
Incentives for collective reservoirs
Summary The measure has been programmed in the RDP for the 2007 - 2013 and supports the construction of collective
How to do better research by looking beyond
If you have browsed through the CONSOLE project website, you will know that we have not only developed Case Studies
BurrenLife Project
Summary Due to the unique landscape, farmers in this region face many environmental challenges which the traditional agri-environmental schemes do
The secrets of the success of the CONSOLE website
This time on the CONSOLE project blog we want to tell you the secrets of the website's success in the
Eco-grazing - Grazing for ecological grasslands
Summary The Head of Green Spaces of Brest Metropole has chosen to entrust the management of the mowing of some
Report on clustering with other projects-draft
At the end of last year, the partners of the CONSOLE project published on our website a deliverable (7.2.) entitled
Forest Bank – a forest conservation program in Indiana and Virginia, US
Summary Private forest owners convey both land development and timber rights to a quasifinancial institution, Forest Bank, in exchange for
The Community of Practice of the CONSOLE project
Definition A Community of Practice (CoP) is a group of people who share a common concern or passion, a set
Cooperative rice production in coastal wetlands in Southern Spain
Summary A value-chain related contract solution, where rice with higher standards is produced (integrated production of selected varieties). In the
One of the tasks of the research stage of the CONSOLE project is to have a deliverable of the lessons