
Benefits for the local society attached to rural landscape: An analysis of residents' perception of ecosystem services
Today we want to publish on the CONSOLE project blog, one of the most useful papers that can help both
Result-based Nature conservation Plan
Summary In the period 2014-2020, under the Austrian Agri-Environmental-Program ÖPUL, a sub- measure “Result-based Nature Conservation Plan (RNP)” has been
Using natural flood management to achieve multiple environmental benefits in Wharfedale
Summary Natural flood management (NFM) was one of the reasons for establishment of the Wharfedale CSFF network in 2017; it
17 most relevant papers related to Agri-environmental Public Goods
Today we present a recommendation made on social networks by the leader of the CONSOLE project, Davide Viaggi. In volume
Program “Sheep Plus” - Provincial Program of Economic Activation and Preservation of the Cultural Heritage of the Beskids and Kraków-Częstochowa Upland
Summary The program “Owca Plus” was established in 2008 as a public initiative in order to preserve, protect and restore
Green Deal Dutch Soy
Summary The Gree Deal Dutch Soy is a contract between national government, regional governments, a soy processer / feed producer,
Assessing the contribution of public investments in agriculture and research in agricultural production in Europe is the aim of the
Summary LIFE+ project "Restoration of Corncrake habitats in Dviete floodplain Natura 2000 site " 2010-2015The Nature Park and Natura 2000
Cooperative Management of Ecosystem Services: Coalition Formation, Landscape Structure and Policies
In the blog post on the CONSOLE project, we want to recommend a post by Francois Bareille, Matteo Zavalloni, Meri
Cooperation in Natura 2000 area benefiting biodiversity
Summary This operation targets effective interventions for biodiversity protection in areas with Natura 2000. These environmental efforts require synergic and